Post 93: Language Exams

Sometimes the café sucks and I end up not being able to skype with my Hindi class-- which honestly freaks me out a little bit because this week is exams week. Not only do I have Hindi exams (one Wednesday and one Friday) but I also have two Telugu tests (one Thursday and one Friday). Just for future reference, learning two languages at the same time is not a good idea. Learning two Indian languages at the same time is even worse. I get mixed up with my words all the time :( Not that I know that many Telugu words. But still, they have a way of sneaking their way in.

Today I woke up feeling a little terrified of going back to normal life in America. I don't think I know what  'culture shock' feel like. None of us really got it. But I have a feeling that reverse-culture shock is going to be a very real thing. VERY real. So to my family and roommates and anyone else who thinks I'm a little weird when I get back, I apologize now. Be careful with me when I get back k? I've basically only REALLY interacted with 6 people my own age for the last four months. I don't remember what kind of clothes I like. The other day someone asked me what I cook for myself at home and I couldn't remember. And when I felt a little panicky when I realized that I will be able to talk to ANYONE I meet. Wait, no language barrier???

So it's going to be a very special time for me haha



Ps. Today I sat in a wonderfully air conditioned theatre and watched Captain America: Winter Soldier. It was good. Pretty good. I don't usually LOVE super hero movies, but this one was just... nice :) Good job Marvel. 


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