Day 87: Grandparents and Accidental Stalkers

The two things in my title have nothing to do with each other. Just thought I'd clear that up right away.

Today, in between a very long power outage, a mix-up with a caffeinated frappuccino, and a minor mental break down involving Carly and I, I managed to get one of my very long interviews transcribed.

The interview was similar to many of my interviews in the past. The husband was a friendly, talkative guy. He was very open about how he feels about his children living far away. One thing stood out to me-- he said, "Grandchildren are even dearer to parents than their own children". Now I can't say that this is absolutely true (I've never been a grandparent) but I can say that there is something really special between grandparents and grandchildren. When I was younger, and my grandparents would come to visit, I would beg my mom to let me go back home with them at the end of their trip (right mom?). I remember crying... A LOT. I think it actually worked one time! There were few places I liked more than my grandparents house. Grandma's house was where I got to fish with my Grandpapa, go to the chalet, swim, four-wheel, watch TV and eat my Grandmaman's amazing food. It's still one of my favourite places. Sometimes I think I won't end up seeing much of the world because if I have to choose between seeing my grandparents and going abroad once a year, I would definitely choose them. That's totally fine with me :)

My grandma and grandpa <3

So what do you think? Is there something special between grandparents and grandchildren?

I miss them right now. Today was one of those rough days where I wanted to enjoy every moment that I get to experience here but at the same time... I'm kind of missing everyone. I'm kind of ready to go back. I KNOW, "You can't admit that on your blog Stéfanie!" Well, truth is, four months is a long time to be away from everything. I'm glad I get to feel this though. It's good to be reminded of how much I have to thank God for.

Don't worry, I'm still going to enjoy this last little bit-- I promise.


Ps. I almost forgot about the other part of my title... Read on if you want to hear a funny story.

Well, we have this one friend here called Shridarth. Well more of an acquaintance that pops up in the random-est of places. Like all the time-- but mostly in our neighbourhood (cuz I guess he lives close). Sometimes it's while he's walking his dog, sometimes he's driving his motorcycles with some friends. Our encounters are always brief and ALWAYS awkward. Well today topped it all. While Carly and I were driving in a rickshaw back to the house I heard someone calling my name. At first I was like, "Nahhhh". I'm in India, nobody knows me! And then I heard it again and again. I had this sneaking suspicion that I might know exactly who it was. So in my head I thought.. "I'm not turning around till I absolutely have to". Then what do you know, all of a sudden Shridarth, that sneaky mom, drives up beside us on his little motorcycle, waving and trying to get our attention. We wave back, very confused as he tries to make small talk... while driving! "How are your surveys going?" "Our WHAT??" We yell back at him over the sound of the rickshaw. Haha That was pretty much the extent of the conversation because by the time we new he was saying "surveys" we were waving goodbye and trying to get him to pay attention to the road. So he zoomed off. Oof, awkward-- but hilarious.

That alone would make a great story. Carly and I laughed our heads off for the rest of the rickshaw ride home. But guess what?? There is more. Later tonight, I was walking with Bekah to go to the movie rental store. We had just crossed a street, when again I hear, "Stéfanie!!" I turned and guess who was there again, on his motorcycle? YUP, Shridarth! "You walk a lot don't you??" He said. He must have been just as surprised to be running into me again on the same day. We talked a little but I cut the conversation as short as possible so we could leave. And then Bekah and I bust up laughing. What is this???

I promise you, he's not a stalker. He really is quite innocent. Also, he just would have the means of stalking me. But living in the same neighbourhood sure does cause a lot of awkward encounters.


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