Day 97: Exams DONE

I'm done my exams!!! And I forgot how wonderful it feels not to have anything to study! A week of studying in this crazy humid weather nearly gave me an anxiety attack (not kidding) but now its over. I feel like I did well on the test... if we judge it by personal satisfaction. I felt kind of proud of how much I had learned and memorized... but sadly, I don't think that points-wise I did as well as I would have hoped. We will see. I think the thing that counts is that I loved my Hindi classes. I don't regret one bit the two years I've had with Shrimati Caroll and the rest of the great people in our class. They have been amazing and I feel sad that it is over :( I hope there will be many reunions and bollywood nights in the future.

Now I'm going to go do something chill and relaxing. My brain needs it.

I've been singing this in my head today:
What time is it? Summer time :) It's our vacation.
What time is it? Time of our lives!
Schools out scream and shout!





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