Day 96: Sleep Translating

Today, I woke up took my first Telugu test and walked to the cafe. I sat down, had a sandwich, watched some youtube, looked at the Telugu words I still have to memorize and thought... NO! haha I feel like there is no room in my brain. Last night I couldn't sleep because whenever I WAS asleep, my dreams were all about translating. The confusing thing was that (in my dream) when I was supposed to be writing in Telugu, I would accidentally write in Hindi-- and when I was supposed to write in Hindi, I could only remember Telugu. Then I would wake up tossing and turning (I definitely hit Carly at least once throughout the night) because I just want to sleep without studying like I've been doing all week. 
The letters might look like really cute apples and caterpillars but they are kind of haunting my dreams right now. 

Tomorrow I have my two last tests. I plan on banishing the languages from my brain for a few days after that. Don't get me wrong-- I like both languages a lot but I need sleep!--Or else I can't think of anything to write on my blog. And I have a headache today.

Besides that, I will be home in 14 days. Yeah! That's happening so soooon. 

:) Stéf 


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