Day 90: 32 Things That Make Me Happy

Got this idea from Kylie's blog today.

32 things that make me happy: 

1. Showers. Or to be more accurate, cleaning after a long, sweaty, humid day with a bucket of cold water. Heaven.

2. My skin finally being pretty. Thank you India weather and malaria pills (I guess both those things are supposed to help with skin).

3. Getting tanned in April makes me a very happy Canadian.

4. Going out to dinner with my good friend Sarah

5. Chatting every day with my wonderful Kylie and hearing all about her life, even if I can't be there for every second of it right now.

6. Youtube artists. I just love that I can find artists and music that aren't picked for me by a record company.

7. Ceiling fans. They are literally saving my life right now.

8. Internet sticks, so that I can keep in touch with my family and friends.

9. Sudha, my translator, who helped me today during not one, but two fantastic interviews AND brought me to the tailors to sort everything out there -- even though it is burning hot outside. 

10. Pretty flowers. A nice lady gave me fresh Jasmine flowers for my hair this morning because apparently they are in season in India right now! :)

11. Palm trees. This place is beautiful.

12. An awesome mother who gives me advice because I really do like getting her advice before I do most things.

13. My beautiful grandmother who writes me the cutest messages on facebook all the time <3 Je t'aime!

14. Mirrors-- covered by Justin Robinett and Michael Henry.. it just doesn't get old.

15. Watching really cheesy, over-dramatic Bollywood movies with Bekah. And laughing, because WOW.

16. The idea of having Cafe Rio, Chipotles and any other kind of Mexican food when I get home!

17. Sharing a room with Carly. I don't know what I would have done without her here in India! #soulsisters

18. Hearing updates on my roommates lives. It makes me miss them, but at least I feel like I'm not part of their lives.

19. The idea of going back the BYU for the whole summer <3 Love that place.

20. Pyjamas!

21. Jimmy Fallon and his unfailing charisma.

22.  The thought of Tourtiere.

23. Realizing that I almost have a university degree! I don't want it to be over but I'm amazed at how much fun it has been so far.

24. The cute little rat that lives in on the main floor of this house. Weird, I know. But he kind of makes me thing that Ratatouille is a real story.

25. When Siddu says, "Stepani!" when I ask him what my name is

26. That General Conference is tomorrow! I really wish I could watch it all live.

27. That Heavenly Father has answered so many of my prayers by sending me to India at this point in my life.

28. Discovering really delicious kinds of street foods and realizing that my stomach is used to the food her now!

29. Living with such a wonderful Indian family -- they take care of everything for us and they love us despite the mistakes we make as foreigners.

30. Knowing that my little sister is finishing her first year of college right now!

31. Bringing Indian spices home so I can cook for people!

32. Knowing that when I get off the plane the first person I will see is my mom! Unless Jenna gets there first cuz my mom tends to get to the wrong gate whenever I'm coming home ;)

<3 I'm happy. And I will be bursting with happiness when I get to see everyone back home.



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