Day 20: Cowboys and Cotton

I'm listening to country music... in India. This is too funny. I don't know what about it is so funny to me. Maybe it's because this is what I'm imagining:
Yeah... doesn't really work right? haha But I appreciate that this italian coffee shop is trying REALLY hard; its making Carly and I feel right at home

Alright here are a few things I learned today: 
1. Mostly only married women wear saris (which makes sense since I've never seen Sailaja -- one of the cooks' helpers -- wearing one)
2. Cotton saris make your legs way too hot (especially on humid days like today); seriously... I love my saris but I can't wait till saturday when my synthetic, soft, thin saris will be done so I can still wear saris but not feel like my legs are cloaked in a thermos blanket.
3. Waking up without an alarm is the best thing ever... even when a two year old jumps on you first thing in the morning
4. Paneer (indian cheese) is delicious... especially with green pea curry.
5. I can make babies smile... after 20 long days of trying to get baby Momoksha to smile at me it finally happened today!

Life is beautiful.



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