Provo YSA 124th Ward

Well yesterday I found out what ward I am in. I kinda laughed when I read it. I kept imagining conversations I might have...

Random stranger (one of the many I will be meeting next week): Hi there. Are you a freshman at BYU?

Me: Yes!

Stranger: What ward are you in?

Me: Oh, just the 124th YSA ward in the Provo YSA 9th Stake. No big deal.

Stranger: No way! You're so lucky!

Yeah, I am pretty excited :P Anyways, I got a letter from my Bishop who seems super nice. He sent out a newsletter about some upcoming ward events. Im really excited to get there and meet everyone. I cant wait to become involved in my ward and at school. There will be so many changes but Im grateful because I know it will strengthen me in the gospel. This is a really big change. I love it.


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