Summer Bucket List
Here's my list:
- Take VASTU101 (this is an intro to drawing class); I'm already registered to take it throughout Spring!
- Get my certification for Scuba Diving! I'm already signed up for this class too!
- Read 20 books (all of The Work and the Glory series, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess, Ender's Game-- again, and a bunch of other ones)
- Write a book (or a few short stories?)
- No TV shows (no K-dramas; sadly, I've become way to obsessed)
- Go outside a lot!
- Don't procrastinate my homework (especially papers)
- Give plasma at least once a week
- Hike Timp
- Get the Lifeguarding job
- Run regularly, swim often
- Go to Mesa
- Finish reading the Book of Mormon in French
- Practice Hindi regularly
- Take time to make good food! Try new things.
- Make friends!
There you go! :) That is the plan. Now I am going to go pone my last final by studying like crazy. Once I do that I can relax for a little bit. My mother and brother are coming to visit me next weekend!
Also, by way of announcements, my roommate Shybree Richins has been called to the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma mission! :)
This girl is going to be an amazing missionary! Haha and that on the left is Chelsie, who is going on a mission to Finland in a just a little bit! So many exciting things happening right now!
Have a great weekend!
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