Lead Me

I have ten minutes to write before my laptop dies and I  have to go to Hindi class. This last week has been great and busy and full of emotions. Easter is wonderful. I love the time I get to think about my Saviour, to remember how much I owe to him and to feel just how much he really loves me. I get caught up with myself and my school work so much of the time, yet he is always there. I want to learn to give him my BEST time not just what I have left over at the end of the day.

There are so many exciting things going on in my life (and my friend's lives). Perhaps in a week or two I will be able to write it all down here. When I look back a year ago I can't believe how fast life has changed and how much has happened in so short of a time period. Its exciting but it also makes me miss the much more carefree days of Freshman year. But believe me I wouldn't trade this year in for anything. I know I needed to learn all of this for a reason. What is that reason? I do not know :) Knowing that I don't/may not know for a long time makes me excited! Because if there is anything I have learned it is that no matter what trials come around, no matter what twists and turns life takes I always end up somewhere better than I could have imagined. I always feel that God has taken me by the hand and led me where he needs me to be. And as I write this I have faith that that process will continue this week, next week and for the rest of my life.

I hope you can see his hand in your life too. Because its there! And life is unpredictably awesome. Answers come at interesting times.


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