My First Week

There has been so many ups and downs this week. So since today is my favourite day of the week and I am completely relaxed from all the craziness of the week I would like to tell you about it! :) So grab a chair (perhaps you are already sitting down?) and enjoy!

The week began with what I thought would be a simple introduction into University life... you know, the usual: meet the professor, introduce yourself to new students and try not to feel too overwhelmed. Little did I know that I would be thrown into a world of stressful syllabi, heap loads of homework (every day!) and longsome lectures. I would go to my classes and come home to make myself supper. The rest of the day would be spent pouring over books. Reading, reading and more reading.

Now that I've said that I will tell you one more thing: I loved it! I know what you must be thinking. Nobody loves that! But I really, really did. Of course there were times when my mind was so numb that I didn't want to go on. But somewhere between all of the reading and the stress I found something completely worthwhile! I found motivation and determination. I found out that I am in the right place, at the right time, studying the right thing. Brigham Young University is where I am supposed to be.

I want to try to explain why I love being here so much. First of all I have a little more praise for my roommates (get used to it :P). They are perfect for me. On our first evening together my roommate Kelsey asked us if we wanted to do family scripture study and prayer everyday. I can testify that it has brought us so much closer together. We are able to talk about anything and we love each other so much more for all of our different perspectives and past challenges. In addition to that most of my University classes begin with a prayer. And no matter what class I am in I can always feel the Holy Ghost. As I sit in Archeology learning about evolution or the prehistory of man I feel myself beginning to understand. God and science go hand in hand. There is no separation. Im so grateful that I have professors who have the same beliefs as me.

I also realized that Sociocultural Anthropology is perfect for me. I am always considering the different beliefs people choose all over the world. How is it that a person can think so uniquely? How is that someone grows up outgoing while someone else is timid? How can I broaden my perspective so that I can understand someone, say in China? Its so fascinating to me to try and understand how Heavenly Fathers children work. We are all so different- yet we are all alike in our potential and value.

Now there was a time this week when I did feel a little discouraged. On thursday I started to miss home. In a school with nearly 35,000 students its hard not to feel invisible and maybe even a little plain. I started to doubt myself a bit. I didn't think I was doing much good. I missed being in my church ward where I have such a fantastic support system and were I have so many friends who know me better than I know myself. I missed the friends and family I have taken for granted for so long.

Discouragement doesn't stay long if you don't let it. I went to the Provo temple Friday night. I have never felt so comforted. I sat watching by the baptismal font and I couldn't believe how secure I felt. It contrasted so sharply with what I had been feeling for the last few days. I felt like I was home- and I was! The temple is the house of the Lord and it is mine too. I know that he invites us to come unto him so that no matter where we are in the world we don't need to feel alone or comfortless. He has been my support through everything. He will always be my support. I can turn to him always.

Since my visit to the temple I have felt so uplifted and so happy. I am blessed to be able to experience this change in my life. It will only strengthen me if I let it. Thank you for all your support everyone :) I wish I could share everything that Ive experienced and will experience with you so that you would understand how I feel. I know my Saviour lives. I know he is there every step of the way. I know you may not believe it. It may seem like something naive to say. But it really is not. I have seen too many miracles and I have personally felt so much comfort.

Heavenly Father does live. Jesus Christ does too and I know that whatever trials, challenges and doubts we have in this life will be completely washed away in the eternities to come.


p.s I was listening to this song as I wrote this. It fits perfectly. Its called Coming Home by Paul Cardall


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