Hello World

I have officially been here for two weeks and yes, I feel as if I am finally getting the hang of it! I could probably find all my classes with my eyes closed (maybe?), I've been eating fairly well (hehe almost always), I don't think I could be any tighter with my roommates, I've met a ton of new people and Im starting to really feel like I'm part of my ward.
I went to a CES fireside with Dallin H. Oaks yesterday! He is the first apostle I have ever seen. Tomorrow I get to see another apostle, Neal L. Andersen. How lucky am I to be going to this school??
I dropped one of my classes this week. My advisor told me I should try to get as high a GPA as I can my first semester and he said it would help if my load was a little lighter. Honestly, Im a little relieved. It was getting tough trying to keep up with everything. Now I am caught up and I am even a week ahead in my Anthropology class.
Other than all of that I am doing very well! I haven't had anything major due in any of my classes so I'm still worried about where I will be ranked with all the brilliant students at this school. I'm very happy though.
To my mom: I love you! Thanks for you Sunday letters! Thanks for phoning me all the time. Makes me feel like I still have my old life to keep me going here :)
To everyone else: I am so blessed to have so many good friends. I'm grateful for all of your advice, your words of encouragement and ways you make me smile! I hope you are all enjoying the new academic year, whatever it is that you are doing! I'm excited to be back at Christmas to see everyone but till than thanks for reading about what I've been up to.
Shout out to my awesome friend Keely and that big brother of mine! Happy birthday (yesterday) ;)
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