One _ _ _ _!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now! Some exciting things have happened this week.
Just kidding. There hasn't been anything exciting. Time trickles by more slowly each day. However, I did get an email from my peer mentor Aubrey. For some reason I cant access her bio though. Oh well. And my Peer Integrator contacted me too. She is from Ghana. Her name is Daniella. I feel like a cheap imitation of an international student. Its not like Canada and the US are worlds apart. I don't think there will be much to adjust too. Maybe paying for health care! That will be a first. Haha!
I also payed my 1st semesters tuition yesterday. Goodbye two thousand dollars. I'm consoled by the fact that its for a good cause.
My mom keeps buying me stuff for my apartment. This is probably my favourite. Im glad she thought to buy me some Quinoa. That should last me a week.

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