20 Days!!

Yes, I am in fact counting down. Im aware that this is probably the most cliche thing to do in my situation. Im also aware that this is the kind of thing I used to do when I was eight. Oh, who am I kidding? I never stopped.
It is just so exciting to think about. I am about to move not only to another city but to an entirely new country. Granted that country is the United States and it wont be very different from Canada but it is still quite a leap. I just have these moments where I suddenly realize just how real all of this is!
Let me explain myself. I am eighteen. I have always lived with my mother and siblings. My mother has been fairly protective of me so Ive always had to run my agenda by her first. Now I am moving somewhere new. Alone. I will be living in a new country, in a state not a province, and in a large city. I will be living with people I have never met. Going to church with people I have never met. I will decide for myself what I want to do and when I want to do it. I am going to live within walking distance of a temple. Im going to start University at a school that has 34,000 students. My high school had about 950.
That may not even begin to describe the tremendous change this is going to be in my life. And it is a change I have looked forward too for as long as I can remember. I love my home. But I always knew that at eighteen I would be moving out to pursue what I want in life. Even if I dont always know what that is. I just really believe that that is how it should be. Im taking responsibility. This isn't someone elses decision for once. It is one hundred percent mine (and the Lord's) and I will make sure that I stay true to that.
So in twenty days, though I will be sad to say goodbye to the people who surround me now, I will also be so excited to step into my new life. Im ready. I know I have so much growing to do and I feel like this will be what helps me to take those steps.
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