Hawaii and Alma 39

This summer has flown by! It has been one of my funnest summers so far. Though I still partly wish I could have gone to India I am sooo grateful for what I have experienced staying here. I feel like I have learned many lessons that I couldn't have learned in any other way. So what have I been up to? I finished up my Spring classes. Then I spent a week in Arizona-- hanging with Ky's family, enjoying the scorching heat, being there for Julie's wedding... all that great stuff. Then I came back. The beginning of July was both exciting and daunting for me. Why? Because, basically, I had no plans. No real job, no classes, no travel plans. That is a first in a VERY long time. But its funny how busy you can become when you aren't busy. So many wonderful tender mercies have popped up here and there to keep me productive.

So this is the plan for the rest of the summer:

July-- Find things to do :) Oh and I have some lovely visit coming today and next week.

August-- I will be leaving Provo for all of August. I am going to Québec for 3 weeks! The first week I will be in Québec City visiting my friend Roxane and enjoying the city I grew up in. The second week I will be with my grandparents in Saguenay area, fishing, eating, knitting... basically just having an awesome time with two of my favourite people. Then the last week I will be in Montreal (I'm so excited for this) spending time around McGill, helping my sister move in to her new apartment and getting to know the city that I really want to live in one day. Now this is the exciting part! On August 22nd I am flying from Montreal to Big Island, Hawaii. My mother, her FIANCE Rick, my aunt and her boyfriend Dave will be there with me. Why? Because my mom is gettin' MARRIED :) Yeah, I'm pumped. I get to fifth-wheel it for a week in Hawaii! Also, a few weeks ago, when I was flying back from AZ I made friends with an awesome couple (in their fifties or so) who live in Kona (coincidence?) and we will be meeting up with them too for at least one of the days.

Needless to say, I am very excited for August. I've never traveled this much :) And the Québec trip is all my own! I get to do what I want and I get to see a bunch of Québec, which I haven't been able to do in a long time. Hawaii will be so different from anywhere I've ever been!

So now for some recent thoughts! I was reading Alma chapter 39 in the Book of Mormon today and I came across some verses in which Alma the Younger is talking to his son Corianton about Christ's coming. They say:
17... Behold, you marvel why these things should be known so long beforehand. Behold, I say unto you, is not a soul at this time as precious unto God as a soul will be at the time of his coming?

This reminded me that Heavenly Father doesn't have to give us his Gospel.. But he wants us to have it because it is a blessing that makes us stronger. We are stronger when we know that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and a Saviour who atoned for our mistakes and understands our sorrows. This knowledge is given to us so we can be happy and at peace despite trials and affliction. So if we aren't feeling that maybe we need to study his truths a little bit more, because we probably aren't understanding them :) 




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