Seeing beautiful things
I've been thinking about what parts of France I want to take home with me. What customs or ways of living will I keep? And also, somewhat related, I've been thinking about beauty and how it is compared. For example, "The mountains in France are way more beautiful than those in Utah" or "She's way more beautiful than me"...
Well, though it is a dream come true to be here in France and to see so many really unique and beautiful places and buildings and people, I keep thinking that beauty is in so many things all around us and it's really our eyes that we have to adjust in order to see that beauty and be grateful for it. Like the beauty of a dying leaf that will soon be part of the soil that gives life to other things, or the beauty of a simple house you feel comfortable in.
It's special to travel to France to see beautiful things but it's even more special to be able to see beauty in our normal day to day surroundings (landscapes, habits, people...) because, after all, the majority of our days will not be spent in foreign places, having grand adventures. And I'd like to be happy and grateful and feel surrounded by beauty for the majority of my days.
So what I want to take home with me is an increased ability to see beautiful things and to make my adventures wherever I am--by cooking something new and exciting, or by learning more about where I live, or by meeting someone new.
ps. Ladies, my visit to the hamam on Thursday was amazing and I'd give more details but it's not really something you write on your blog about sooo... I recommend you find someone to take you :) Also, I wrote up a document with instructions, tips, and things to know before you go if you ever need them!
And here are a few pictures from the last few days:
Cathedral de la Major

The boat we took to go to L'estaque today; it's just a nice little part in the north of Marseille and this Navette is free for people with metro passes. Such a good deal :)

Jared and I ate at this great restaurant; he had some kind of veal dish and mine was a goat cheese and lavender dressing salad.
Then tonight: Jared, Kevin, and I went to see a french movie called "Un peu, beaucoup, aveuglement". Really good :) It's about a girl and a guy who share a very thin wall between their apartments. Neither of them are really good with people and they try to get the other person to move out. It's a romcom.
Here's the trailer if you want to watch it!
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