Some Summery Summerness

Happy wonderfully sunny day!

For some reason writing this week seems to be draining all of my energy. Its not that I don't  have anything to write about. Its that writing requires reflection and I feel like I've been doing A LOT of that for the last little bit. Let me explain:

This spring term I am taking a class called Language, Culture and Society. My teachers name in Buonforte. If ever I have had an anthropological soul mate it is this man. Does that sound weird? Probably. Nevertheless, he and I look at the world in very much the same way. We love complexity and we both dislike any theories that try to put culture, or language, or people into boxes. By boxes I mean restrictions, stereotypes... forms of neatness. My favourite thing about people is that we are all so different! Heavenly Father designed us that way. Not only are we all very unique but we also change CONSTANTLY. So the minute you think you know something about someone that very thing is reshaping itself. Needless to say, I have been loving this class. However, it does require a lot of introspection and that, I can tell you, is very tiring. But it is worth it.

Now for some weekly shoutouts!

Firstly, YESTERDAY my little sister Jenna turned 18!! How strange is that?? She will be off to Europe in a month or so, then in the fall she will be starting her Freshman year at McGill University in Montreal. For my American friends, McGill is one of the top universities in Canada. It is also absolutely beautiful. I went their for an author's conference in Grade 3 and since then I have loved that place! She's going to be studying psychology and practicing her French :) The best part is that she will be close to our grandparents. I'm super jealous!

Secondly, this Sunday is MOTHER'S DAY! Like I mentioned in my last post my mother visited me last week. I love her a ton :) She is always so thoughtful and considerate of her children. Right now she is in Tahiti, being the world traveler that she is! She's probably scuba diving and hiking all over the place. I admire her youthfulness! Happy mother's day to all the other women in my life! Mothering is a beautiful thing. I walked by a beautiful little family today (they had two blonde, adorable kids) and I just couldn't help but be excited for the day that will be me! Well, except for the blonde part most likely ;)

So summer is here! Here's a song to kick it off. These girls are some of my favourite YouTubers. I hope you like them!

Peace! :) Love y'all!


Ps. I got a twitter account a few weeks ago. If you'd like to follow my tweets add me up @StefanieJoJo


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