I leave for Utah tomorrow. And I am extremely excited to be back home :)
But thats not what this post is about. This post is my way of committing myself to this semester. It is my declaration in a way. I have 17 credits this semester and a job. And no matter in what way I look at reducing that, it just isn't going to happen. Which is good because I need to be braver. I need to face this and take this challenge. I can't just take the easy way out.
So this is what I promise:
I promise to keep these 17 credits. Each class is important to my future career goals and ambitions. I have a dream. That dream is to help people through my anthropological research. Specifically people in India. If I want to do that I need to gain the qualifications that will lead me there one day. Taking Hindi101 is essential. Judaism & the Gospel is essential because I promised Kylie- and the professor is an anthropologist who could open some doors for me. LDS Marriage & Family is essential because it will be the only time each week that I will get to see Kelsey (anyways, I hear its not too strenuous). Biological Anthropology and Applied Anthropology are important because I have to start getting through some of my major courses. So there. I have to do this. Its going to be insane. But then again, how badly do I want it? If I want it as much as I say I should be willing to make the effort. A great effort. It just means I need to be focused and determined. I need to use my time wisely.
So I have a motto for this semester. And yes, it is from Acton Bell herself. In Anne Bronte's own words: "He that dares not grab the thorn should never crave the rose".
I want the rose! :) Well, as long as it symbolizes a full tuition scholarship, a new found ability to communicate in Hindi, becoming more advanced in anthropology, and spending time with Kelsey.
I can do it!
Determination, dedication and self-discipline!
But thats not what this post is about. This post is my way of committing myself to this semester. It is my declaration in a way. I have 17 credits this semester and a job. And no matter in what way I look at reducing that, it just isn't going to happen. Which is good because I need to be braver. I need to face this and take this challenge. I can't just take the easy way out.
So this is what I promise:
I promise to keep these 17 credits. Each class is important to my future career goals and ambitions. I have a dream. That dream is to help people through my anthropological research. Specifically people in India. If I want to do that I need to gain the qualifications that will lead me there one day. Taking Hindi101 is essential. Judaism & the Gospel is essential because I promised Kylie- and the professor is an anthropologist who could open some doors for me. LDS Marriage & Family is essential because it will be the only time each week that I will get to see Kelsey (anyways, I hear its not too strenuous). Biological Anthropology and Applied Anthropology are important because I have to start getting through some of my major courses. So there. I have to do this. Its going to be insane. But then again, how badly do I want it? If I want it as much as I say I should be willing to make the effort. A great effort. It just means I need to be focused and determined. I need to use my time wisely.
So I have a motto for this semester. And yes, it is from Acton Bell herself. In Anne Bronte's own words: "He that dares not grab the thorn should never crave the rose".
I want the rose! :) Well, as long as it symbolizes a full tuition scholarship, a new found ability to communicate in Hindi, becoming more advanced in anthropology, and spending time with Kelsey.
I can do it!
Determination, dedication and self-discipline!
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