Positive Purpose

One month gone... two and a half left. I knew that being away from BYU would make me appreciate it all the more. And it really has. Yet I miss being there all the more. I miss grocery shopping for myself, cooking in my own kitchen and inviting people over for supper. I miss being able to see Kylie, Kelsey and Julie every day. Those girls are my favourite! It feels strange to go days without talking to them. And girls can talk. So a week in girl time is an eternity of things undiscussed. If that makes any sense.

Up till this point I haven't let myself think of BYU too much because I knew it would make me start counting the days till I return. Being home is nice. I have my job back lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons. I'm back in my ward. I've spent time with some of my best friends. I've gone to all the places that I've missed. I've spent time with my mom. I'm trying to be positive though sometimes I just get a little lost here. I don't have the same purpose and I am trying to get used to that. 

I guess the lesson I'm learning from this is that we will be in many places throughout our lives and we have a purpose where ever we are. I just need to work harder to find it. And I need to be more Christ-like and positive. Here we go :) 


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