Fall, Winter, Spring

What an interesting week of weather. On Wednesday it was sunny and above ten degrees celsius! The next day it was extremely windy and pretty cold. Today it is... questionable. Its still early. Im hoping it will be nice and warm. We have an iceskating ward party tonight. But I really shouldn't complain. I'm in Utah... I haven't even experienced winter in comparison to Canada I bet.

Okay, now for my recap of the last two weeks. My roommates and I had a great, relaxing long weekend. Kelsey blazed through all three Hunger Game books (seriously). Julie and I went to Zumba last week and loved it. We are trying to find a place to go and do it every week.

I also found out last week that I didn't get the job in France. I was disappointed but there are a lot of pros to going home for the summer. I'm excited to be back with my mom and close to my friends and family. I only have two months of school left this semester! I'm sure it will fly by because the first half did. I should be back in Alberta by the beginning of May.

Also, I got a job for next fall! :D Well, its not completely confirmed yet because it have to be officially hired by BYU but I had an interview for an Anthropology Teaching Assistant job yesterday and they want to hire me for next year. It pays well and it is a class that I really enjoyed. Life is great!

Have a great weekend and make the most of it. I know i'll be studying a lot but I'm going to find time to have fun too. Its interesting that that has been one of the life lessons I've learned from university... find time to have fun.
I love you all :)



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