Roommate Appreciation :)

I am grateful for this life that I have. I have so many opportunities in front of me. I'm so thankful that my Saviour suffered so much for me so that I don't have to be alone. I see him in all the people around me. My roommate is sitting across from me on the couch right now. Julie just went into my room. They are a tender mercy from the Lord, and each day I am reminded that he knows me and he gave me them for this period in my life.Let me tell you a little bit about how perfect these girls are for me.
Starting with Kelsey: She is hard working and diligent. She pushes herself in school and when I see her working hard, I want to work hard too. Heavenly Father knew she would help me to do well in my classes. But that is only one tiny fraction of how amazing she is. She always senses my emotions. She knows how to have fun (and a lot of the time she reminds ME how to have fun haha). She's opinionated and spiritual. She understands me when I ramble... most of the time haha and that is saying something.
Now for Julie: Can I even begin to say how much I love this girl?? I never thought I would love sharing a room with someone so much. But I can't imagine a room by myself now. It would feel so empty. Julie is hilarious. She doesn't judge me, even when I'm ridiculous haha. She is easy going and we can talk about boys for hours. She will watch chick flicks with me at any time of the day (or night). She is faithful and so incredibly beautiful.
I feel so blessed! And I would be grateful if that was all my Heavenly Father has given me... but he gives me more and more every day. I have so many friends that love me. I have an amazing mother that thinks to send me warm fuzzy pyjamas without even knowing that I hadn't thought to bring some winter ones. I have an awesome person named Rick in my life who fedexed me a package with the new Eragon book so that I would have something to do over the American Thanksgiving holiday while my roommates were away. I have a Dad who treats me like a princess. I am blessed enough to have been accepted at this amazing university and to have had such an amazing first semester. I have a Saviour for whom we celebrate the Christmas season. I have nothing to complain about, though sometimes I'm sure I do.
I have two weeks left in this semester. One more for classes and then one for exams. I am doing well- surprisingly well. And it hasn't just been me... honestly, I know I could have worked harder this semester. It has been because of the support and love I have from so many of you- and of course my Father in Heaven.
I will be home on the 17th. I try not to daydream about it too much because then I might not be able to get through the 2 papers and 4 exams I have in the next little bit ;) But thank you for all you do for me. Thank you for writing to me, for praying for me and for missing me. Because I miss all of you. Fact ;)
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