Planning for Service!

Hey everyone! :)
I'd just like to say Im sorry for not writing for the last few weeks! I think it's a sign that midterms have come and gone haha. Im grateful that I could have gone through the last few crazy weeks so that now I can enjoy the feeling of being on top of the ball again. I'm not sure how well all my tests went but I felt good about them. I also wrote my first paper. It was eight pages long :) And I managed it without procrastinating! I was really happy that I didn't have to worry too much about it.
In the last three weeks...I've been to my first BYU hockey game, two home games for Football, one date to this cute play called "The Hundred Dresses", an incredible mansion where we watched the BYU vs. Oregon Football game and I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean 4. I also wrote one eight page paper, five one page papers, wrote two midterms, lost one ID card, had someone kindly return that one ID card, skyped lots (thanks to those of you who keep up with my life, I love hearing from you!), and I got a church calling (Visiting Teaching Supervisor YAY :P ).
Im really loving it here and Im ready to start working even harder now. I feel like I need to be serving more and there are so many opportunities here so I should get on that.
Hope y'all have a fantastic week! Remember what is really important :) Try to serve others as much as you can. What I've been learning more and more lately is that you can't just expect Heavenly Father to place those opportunities right in front of you. It usually really isn't that obvious. I know for myself it becomes a struggle as I tend to forget to stop and look around at others when I get busy. But that is exactly what Christ would do. So my goal this week is to PLAN ways to help others. Everyday. I know if I don't do that I wont end up making a difference and what will I have to look back on next week? Not very much. I know I'm going to be working on becoming more Christ-like and it's exciting because that means I need to rely on the Lord even more. So lots of prayer :) Which reminds me of this quote I love from Ian S. Ardern, a member of the seventy. He said this in General Conference (Saturday Afternoon session I believe) during this October conference... "Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text". Words of wisdom right there :) I plan on becoming much better at this!
Love you all so much. I come home December 17th!! Get excited :P
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